Well since we are in the “Lull” period of sports for a lot of fans, I have a few things to talk about that shouldn’t take up much of your time:
The New York Rangers are either a push away from getting over this rut, or a few more games away from losing all confidence and falling even more in the Eastern Conference. Their offense has been anemic and Henrik has been less than stellar when he’s been in the game. Shooting over 45 times last night against a solid Red Wings team should net more than 2 goals. They had so many chances. I think we lack the finishing touch that will either come with age for some of these players, or never at all for others. I just pray we don’t truly have a team full of low second to high third liners that are solid enough to plug holes and grind out a win, but not enough finesse to keep on scoring. Some of these guys need to try to fill that role. And where is Gaborik?! Speaking of goals, he's been quiet. He scored 10 in 3 games this year, and 6 in the rest of the 39 he's played in. We need him to make the playoffs and do anything. (no more hockey after this I promise)
Fact: Andy Pettitte retired and will be missed by fans and the current team alike. Fact: The Yankees have problems with their rotation. Maybe fact: Completion of a season with this rotation can still result in a winning record with their lineup and still one and a half to two and a half starters. Probable fact: They will not finish the season with Nova and Mitre both holding down the back end of the rotation unless all of the other pitchers in the world die. Relax people, they’re still a contending team.
The Super Bowl was a good game. It ended almost like I predicted and exactly how I wanted. I thought GB would get by easier, but Rodgers won MVP, played amazing, and needs receivers who don’t drop perfect passes. It is super early, but does anyone think this team can repeat? I mean, a lot of guys were hurt on this team and arguably they’re better when all healthy. I wouldn’t put money against it.
My previous comment assumes there will be a 2011-12 season and playoffs. In some capacity, there will be. There is now too much money to be made/lost in professional sports through the owners if they hold out. Hockey was able to lockout a season because they don’t have the same revenue streams and actually had many franchises operating in or near the red anyway. Football will be back after a nasty battle between players and owners. When it boils down to it, neither side will get exactly what they want but they’ll still have enough money at the end of the day to do stupid things that will get them arrested and suspended.
Quickies: I’m shocked Michael Young is requesting a trade from Texas after the Beltre signing. He seemed to have so much willingness to always be moved around. DH/Utility fielder was where he put a stop on it I guess. Christina Aguilera is a commie spy, kill her. Wake Forest baseball coach Tom Walter donated one of his kidneys to Kevin Jordan, one of his outfielders. The Cleveland Cavs miss Lebron after their 25th straight loss. Cleveland is home to the Browns, Indians, and Cavs. Ouch. Go Cleveland State Vikings? Finally, Carlos Delgado reports that he is looking for a job come April. Three surgeries in 18 months may be a lot of punishment on a 38 year old big guy, but he needs 27 HR to hit 500, so don’t be surprised if a team needing a DH or part time first baseman takes a shot if he shows up and looks not too much like a fat old man in spring.
(P.S. Do you like the new layout?)
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